When less is more.

It’s like a light bulb has gone off in my brain or like two live wires have finally been connect in my brain that have sparked the way for change.

I am/was a unconscious shopper. It’s like my brain and body were on autopilot and I would consume things I thought would make me better, fitter, prettier, more worthy, more “put together”, smarter, and the list goes on.

I am more aware of these thoughts and feelings now that I am adopting a “mindful consumer” approach.

I have found myself stopping and thinking, “do I really need this? Or am I wanting it to fell better about….” (insert some insecurity I am having or overcoming)

I was spending money faster than our income was coming in. We are a one income family and my mindless consuming was dipping into our savings. I would say “that’s it, I’m not spending anymore money!” Then something would pop up on Facebook selling something and my brain would say “I NEED THIS!”, like clothing, earrings, necklaces, spiritual gems, books, home accessories… and I’d say “this is the LAST thing I am buying….” I’ll start not spending money tomorrow…and day after day I’d watch our bank account slowly drop.

I know the effects of the compound effect. (Making small choices everyday to slowly build momentum to achieve a certain outcome) Heck I dropped 60 pounds, by saying enough is enough and being conscious of what I was putting into my body and what activities I was doing to stay active. It’s time to do that with our finances. It was about an idea, a belief I could be more, be the person I knew I could be and being consistent with how I wanted to feel.

I now want to feel that I have enough.

I am enough.

So Enough is enough and I will stop being a sheep, following the masses, the “I NEED this” mentality and I will break this cycle of unconscious consuming.

Here we go.

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